Next week, we are going to witness the Hunter’s Moon, Samhain sabbath, All Hallows’ Eve and the Estonian Day of the Souls. I would say that a lot is going on, especially in the soul-areas.

This morning, I had a fascinating reading with the Voodoo deck for a querent who felt he was visited by rowdy spirits for 14 years already. He literally moved to another country, changed houses, saw several mediums, nothing helped. So he turned to me and honestly did so at a very good time – I thought the voodoo deck lends itself quite well to this type of readings.

I also did another “purpose of life” reading yesterday with Shadowscapes, as it feels this is the week where many people start to think about their ancestor relations and their thoughts go more to the abyss side of the veil. I will post some shadow work exercises for the Samhain week as well over the next few days.

I pulled a few cards for the week with my reunited Sacred Rose and the deck is just as whiplash as I recall. Brings me back to the old Tarot axiom – don’t ask if you don’t want to know! While my favourite Tarot blogger, Beth, pulled the Wheel of Fortune for her weekly reading and posted the amazing Fleetwood Mac song Landslide to go as the soundtrack, I’m going to have to upgrade even that one. Whatever life flings your way sure? Because I drew this:

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Ten of Pentacles (that one was actually reversed, but I don’t read reversals), Justice, Tower. So it’s is a week where everything comes together, only to be reminded by the omnipotence of Karma – and so all what you knew falls apart.

It does make sense – we have a sabbath on the way, an epic full moon, spirits wandering around… Who knows what madness this will bring about.

Johanna, the creator of the Sacred Rose, does use reversals though, so beware of…taxation! Take what you will from the Ten of Pentacles – to me, it signifies material security, completion, abundance… Look at that bounty! But surely it will only come to your way if you succeed the tests of Justice, who weighs the sacrifice against the impossible. The Hunter Moon will bring the bounty, but Samhain is the beginning of the new year and so the old will fall apart. Again the symbol of being tested and tried, the Tower signals a time of change and transformation.

Old ways are no longer of value. Humbling events will transpire. Values will break down and transform. Awesome powers demand our attention. Divine ordeals come our way.

I do already feel the tingle on my skin which precedes times of great transformation. There is something in the air that spells out both completion and destruction. Go with the vortex, trust what you have built, and be brave!

Sometimes, music says it louder than words, so I will shamelessly copycat Beth and give you a soundtrack as well.